Alibis- Mother is the perfect mommy issues song


Whoa, it's Women Wednesday (isn't that a spectacularly boring name? I love it!)- which means I'm digging up something for you to chew on. Because who doesn't love women in metal? 

Alibis came across my SubmitHub feed a while ago, and I was waiting for the right post to introduce them to the feed. It's an angsty little mommy issues song with those melodic lyrics I love and the classic metalcore equation to end up in a banger that I'd commit arson too. It also has some electronic influences if you squint but I'd almost argue that's become a staple in modern metalcore.

From what I've been able to gather, Alibis is a band based out of Hollywood California. This song, produced by Mitch Marlow was released in September. So, for the lovers of Lauren Babic, Enemy Inside, and VENUES- check it out and let me know what you think!


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