Snazzy Sounds- "Stanley" by Scrooge Mandella- Kentucky Punk Rock.
Scrooge Mandella is a four-piece punk rock band based in Kentucky. Other than that All I could find out about them was that "Scrooge Mandella is a band that has musicians in it who play music. Sometimes it's fast, sometimes it's slow. The music is comprised of songs that have words in them."
But anyway, this was another band that was shown on one of the Heavy Vibe live streams on Facebook, with some great feedback from the viewers- and me liking the track- now it is on the table for you guys to give your opinions on it. Do you guys want to see more of Scrooge Mandella on Heavy Vibe? I think it would be cool for them to do an interview- but I think I'll put a poll up for you readers to decide.
Until then, enjoy this lovely piece of musical art.
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