Interveiw with Lena Cataraga from Infected Rain

Happy to say I was blessed with the opportunity to ask Ms. Cataraga from Infected Rain some questions, I will leave links to her Instagram at the end of this post!

Have you ever thought about creating a branch of your own clothing and accessories, if you haven't already made one?

It is an idea that I have had for a long time now.

That is cool, I think people would really dig it. I'm really surprised you replied, do media people often connect with you? And from a personal point does it ever get annoying or pestering?

I try to answer always, sometimes it gets weird for sure :)

Note: This was the first interview conducted, yes. It is very small, they will get bigger as time goes on.  

Instagram: Lena Scissorhands

Want to contact me? Send me a DM @heavyvibeoffical on Instagram!


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